With so many VCSEs and aspiring Trustees eager to take part, BeOnBoard is thrilled to announce the first ever, supersized ASPIRE Cohort!

The Aspirees

Annette HughesSouthmead HospitalComplex Discharge Case Manager
Emmanuel Kamuhanda Unique Nursing LtdSupport & healthcare worker
Jacqueline BraithwaiteLocal Artist, Fellow Royal Society of Arts, Member Chartered Society of Designers, Former Head of Design Berkshire College of Art. 
Karen Michael-CoxI3WORKS Principal Consultant 
Mohammed RashidGN & RB Enterprises LtdDirector
Mutale Malambo KatyokaUWESenior Lecturer
Olubodunrin TokosiDepartment for Levelling Up Housing and CommunitiesGovernance & Strategy LEad
Pooja PoddarNorth Bristol NHS trust Ward Sister
Rushwet MotsiMODSenior Finance Business Partner 
Saida BelloCivil ServiceDiversity & Inclusion 
Sara TelahounAnthesisPrincipal Consultant
Sheika JohnstonSoundwellHead of Finance


And the very first 6 VCSE organisations that will host the Aspiree’s are, Quartet; Knowle West Media Centre; Alliance of Sport in Criminal Justice; St Werburghs City Farm; Wildscreen Festival; Somerset and Avon Rape & Sexual Abuse Support.

“I am thrilled to see how many amazing candidates and organisations have stepped forward to change leadership in Bristol. Diversifying our Boards is a very important step in helping to tackle the inequalities that many VCSE sector organisations are set up to address” – Kalpna Woolf BeOnBoard CEO

More words from the amazing Aspiree’s

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